Greg Newman CEO Duo

Chat With Traders - EP 159: Bringing stoicism to Oil trading.

6th March 2018

EP 159: Bringing stoicism to trading and market making in oil derivatives with Greg Newman

I was recently introduced to Greg Newman by James King (Episode 133). The two previously worked together at Mandara Capital, a London trading firm, there, James was the performance director (with a background in sports science), and Greg was head of a highly successful oil trading desk; which he built from the ground up in three years, with some guidance from James for overcoming obstacles.

Greg remains a serious participant in oil derivatives and has gone on to become a founding partner of Onyx Commodities. Greg and his firm are most active in oil futures (and the energy sector), but also trading in related OTC products, or better known as swaps. So naturally, you’ll hear Greg speak about futures, swaps, producers and the physical; which is really interesting! He also talks about 'trade craft' and how stoic thinking has moulded him into the trader he is today.

Click the link to see the full interview